Extractions, or tooth removal, is sometimes necessary. An extraction may be considered either a simple extraction, or a complicated (surgical) extraction. In general, for a simple extraction, teeth are removed using an elevator, then forceps to apply slow, steady pressure with a controlled force. If the teeth are not easily accessed (perhaps due to bad decay, or if broken under the gumline, or if not erupted fully) an incision in the gums may be needed. In addition, sometimes some jawbone may need to be removed and/or the tooth may need to be split into pieces to facilitate its removal.
There are multiple reasons why a tooth may need to be removed, or extracted. Some reasons include:
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Dentists :
Dr Michelle Power
53E Clark Rd, Rothesay
NB, Canada, E2E 2K9
Tel: (506) 847-9836
Fax: (506) 847-9256
Email: [email protected]
Monday | 8:30am-4:00pm |
Tuesday | 9:00am-7:30pm |
Wednesday | 8:30am-4:00pm |
Thursday | 8:30am-4:00pm |
Friday | 8:30am-4:00pm |
Closing time on Fridays varies from week to week |
Cash, Visa, Mastercard, and Debit accepted.
Emergency dental services available on weekends. For details call the our office.
KV Dental
53E Clark Rd,
Rothesay, NB
Canada, E2E 2K9
Tel: (506) 847-9836
Fax: (506) 847-9256
[email protected]
Web: www.kvdental.ca